
Dispelling the Myths About 1:1 Environments – Andrew Marcinek

Publicado: 2012-10-21

"Myth 2: The iPad is Simply a Tool. False. I recently read a post about an iPad being compared to one of the simplest tools, a hammer. Comparing an iPad to a hammer is a naive way of thinking. The iPad, along with laptops, Chromebooks and other tablet options, all boast advanced operating systems with intuitive design. Despite their intuitive design, tasks as simple as taking notes and saving to the cloud can be a struggle for many in the "digital generation." Don't assume the student body will simply adapt to the device and the applications because they fall under the age of 20. Creating a 1:1 environment takes dedicated professional development for staff, parents and the community, as well as the students who will be using it daily."

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Murra hablaba de Control Vertical, cuando un grupo étnico tenía \"islas\" en varios lados, para que este pueda tener recursos (alimentos, materia prima) de varios lados. La idea de este mula-blog es lo mismo. Más o menos. Es un pedazo de Elmorsa en Lamula. Ya

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Se llama Control Vertical de Pisos Ecológicos