
How to Make Almost Anything – Neil Gershenfeld

Publicado: 2012-10-16

"Local demand has pulled fab labs worldwide. Although there is a wide range of sites and funding models, all the labs share the same core capabilities. That allows projects to be shared and people to travel among the labs. Providing Internet access has been a goal of many fab labs. From the Boston lab, a project was started to make antennas, radios, and terminals for wireless networks. The design was refined at a fab lab in Norway, was tested at one in South Africa, was deployed from one in Afghanistan, and is now running on a self-sustaining commercial basis in Kenya. None of these sites had the critical mass of knowledge to design and produce the networks on its own. But by sharing design files and producing the components locally, they could all do so together. The ability to send data across the world and then locally produce products on demand has revolutionary implications for industry."

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Murra hablaba de Control Vertical, cuando un grupo étnico tenía \"islas\" en varios lados, para que este pueda tener recursos (alimentos, materia prima) de varios lados. La idea de este mula-blog es lo mismo. Más o menos. Es un pedazo de Elmorsa en Lamula. Ya

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