
Why Web Literacy Should Be Part of Every Education – Cathy Davidson and Mark Surman

Publicado: 2012-08-21

"Like reading, writing, and arithmetic, web literacy is both content and activity. You don’t just learn “about” reading: you learn to read. You don’t just learn “about” arithmetic: you learn to count and calculate. You don’t just learn “about” the web: you learn to make your own website. As with these other three literacies, web literacy begins simply, with basics you can build upon. For some it can lead to a profession (i.e. becoming a computer programmer) while for most it becomes part of the conceptual DNA that helps you to understand and negotiate the world you live in."

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Murra hablaba de Control Vertical, cuando un grupo étnico tenía \"islas\" en varios lados, para que este pueda tener recursos (alimentos, materia prima) de varios lados. La idea de este mula-blog es lo mismo. Más o menos. Es un pedazo de Elmorsa en Lamula. Ya

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