
Occupy Wall Street and the myth of technological death of the library – Jessa Lingel

Publicado: 2012-08-06

"Drawing on personal experiences volunteering at the Library as well as text from the Library’s blog, I argue that the People’s Library offers two counter arguments to conventional claims about the public library: first, that libraries are being existentially threatened by the emergence of digital technologies and second, that a library’s activist ethics are located solely or predominantly in the content of its collection."

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Murra hablaba de Control Vertical, cuando un grupo étnico tenía \"islas\" en varios lados, para que este pueda tener recursos (alimentos, materia prima) de varios lados. La idea de este mula-blog es lo mismo. Más o menos. Es un pedazo de Elmorsa en Lamula. Ya

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ElMorsa en LaMula

Se llama Control Vertical de Pisos Ecológicos